I spoke with representatives from Additec to learn more about their new AMDroid system.
3D printing is already being used in the space industry to create rocket engines and many more parts, but experts want to use the technology not only on the ground but also in space. Europe recently ...
San Francisco-based Mantle Inc., a metal 3D printing company focused only on tooling, said it has sped up the process to make ...
Heyco Products, a US-based manufacturer of wire protection products and electrical components, integrates Mantle technology ...
The Navy is experimenting with deployed 3D printing during the Rim of the Pacific exercise in pursuit of eventually ...
The companies said the price could go down to $135 million should Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM) take a $20 million loan facility ...
Roger Luo, General Manager of TRUNNANO, discusses the future of 3D printing metal powders to promote the innovation of 3D ...
A California plant will be laser-printing high-precision parts with two DMLS systems, expanding its production capabilities ...
Industrial 3D metal printers are being used by the Navy to create replacement parts or to improve them. Navy Lt. Joel Hunter ...
Collaboration intended to catalyze metal AM applications in high-criticality marketsPrecision Resource integrating two 3D Systems DMP Flex 350 ...
The additive manufacturing companies aim to consolidate their strengths in additive manufacturing for future growth.