The collaboration between CERN and WinCC Open Architecture (WinCC OA) exemplifies the power of strategic partnerships in ...
Simone Ragoni’s book is a delightful gift for anyone whom you want to inspire to become a particle physicist of tomorrow, ...
Renowned experimental physicist and co-initiator of relativistic heavy-ion physics, Rudolf Bock, passed away on 9 April 2024 ...
It’s undeniable, though, that much has stayed the same. A high-energy physics lab still needs to be fast, cool, collaborative ...
BASE takes antiprotons that have been decelerated by the Antiproton Decelerator and the Extra Low Energy Antiproton ...
Credit: T2K Collab. Neutrino physics requires baselines both big and small, and neutrinos both artificial and astrophysical.
First developed for the Large Hadron Collider, hybrid pixel detectors are now changing the face of X-ray imaging in medical ...
Inspired by CERN’s international teacher programme and visits to other major labs, Joe Muise has found a powerful way to ...
The wonder and awe that we sense when we look at the starry skies is a major motivation to do science. Both Plato (Theaetetus ...
By parking events triggered by a single muon, CMS collected an inclusive sample of approximately 10 billion b-hadrons in 2018 ...
Recently, researchers at the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov observatory in Mexico reported the observation of ultra-high ...
As a full Member State, Estonia will now have voting rights in the CERN Council, enhanced opportunities for Estonian ...