Australia will move its top-secret intelligence data to the cloud in a A$2 billion deal with Amazon Web Services (AWS).
French startup Kyutai has just introduced Moshi, a new "real-time" artificial intelligence (AI) voice assistant.
The investment world is in an uproar with the rise of AI, but caution and strategy are needed to avoid losses.
YouTube has taken an important step to combat the proliferation of AI-generated deepfakes that violate users' privacy.
UBS is seeing a shift in the way customers interact with their bankers, driven by AI, said Sabine Keller-Busse.
The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution from China with the support of the US to reduce inequality in access to ...
What are greenhouse gases (GHG)? Greenhouse gases (GHG) are chemical compounds present in the Earth's atmosphere that have ...
Runway just announced that the Gen-3 Alpha, your video generator for artificial intelligence (IA), is available to all users!
The idea of ​​data centers in space is still in its early stages, but it represents an important step in the search for ...
Meta plans to inject a dose of generative AI into its games to reinvigorate its shaky strategy for the metaverse.
Supporters of the project in Kenya see it as a potential model for similar government-business partnerships that could help ...
Siri 2.0 will enable app control with AI Chamar a API Llama 3: Use a ação “Obter conteúdo da URL” para chamar a API Groq fornecendo a chave de API, o endpoint e os dados necessários na requisição.