Rust filed his 217-page petition with SCOTUS on Monday. In it, he argues that the justices should revisit Indiana’s “harsh ...
Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales’ office warned more than 120 federal agencies operating in Indiana against providing ...
Local governments can use these grants to install new public art, improve museums and performing arts venues, establish ...
After nearly four decades, Happy Hour is once again legal in Indiana. The practice of offering hourly drink specials was ...
The drug has been used by the feds and in other states, but officials are hushed about its origins, cost and standards for ...
Congress redefined hemp in the 2018 Farm Bill, allowing farmers to add the crop to their usual rotation of corn and soybeans.
Hotel representatives appeared before the Bloomington Historic Preservation Commission last month to present their case for ...
The city announced downtown street parking will be free starting at 5 p.m. through July to help shops get more business.
About a dozen Hoosier communities will split $51 million in state funding for public infrastructure set to support ...
In 2018, the government loosened regulations for growing hemp, but Indiana farmers are finding there’s not many buyers.
The Indiana Regional Cities Initiative, developed under former Gov. Mike Pence, awarded $126 million to three regions across ...
Columbus made headlines with its new Nexus Park fieldhouse this past year. A multi-million dollar recreation investment ...