Forest Hills Cemetery has drawn criticism from residents over the last several years due to the discontinuation of beloved events, changed policies, removal of trees, lack of communication, and more, ...
A rodent control pilot using rat fertility control products is being conducted on Cranston and Sheridan Streets by WISDOM Good Works, a non-profit group focused on humane animal population control, ...
The quadrennial Summer Olympics turns even the least of sports fans among us into active, if not rabid, rooters of the athletes who captivate our hearts and imaginations, both in sports with which we ...
Thanks to our mild winter, this past spring season was the most glorious in many years in our area. The early profusion of daffodils and tulips was followed by a gorgeous display of flowering ...
Open Streets Boston came back for its third annual event, offering another chance to experience streets as public spaces. Jamaica Plain closed its streets between Lamartine and South Street on July 21 ...
One of the Boston Parks Department’s newest properties has a long history as a focal point of the Egleston Square neighborhood. In June, the city officially acquired the Egleston Square Peace Garden ...
We’d like to express our congratulations, and thanks, to Mass. Attorney General Andrea Campbell for her efforts in securing the recent landmark $600 million settlement with the major tobacco product ...
Mayor Michelle Wu announced the launch of the Boston E-Bikes Incentive Program. This pilot initiative will provide discount vouchers to eligible residents who wish to purchase an e-bike for personal ...
A unique and potentially lovely but little noticed area of Boston lies on the southeast side of Jamaica Plain. Many people only know the unique sub-neighborhood from seeing it through their ...
Last week, the city’s Planning Department hosted a public meeting about the small project review application for a proposal that would bring a multitude of units to 140 Wachusett Street. According to ...
The basic idea is that all Americans have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, right? So it follows that if families living in areas near power plants, chemical factories, or ...