The PA is increasingly voicing accusations that Iran is not interested in the Palestinian people at all but only in promoting ...
Official PA TV reporter in Deir Al-Balah, Gaza: “The central district [of the Gaza Strip] is drowning in goods and aid while ...
Another top member and official of Fatah, Fatah Nablus Branch Secretary Muhammad Hamdan, said that Palestinians dying in the ...
Palestinian Media Watch exposed the Pay-for-Slay program in 2011, and the world has condemned it ever since, but PA Chairman ...
“The PA is currently facing a financial crossroads, with the deepening of the financial crisis after a number of months in ...
According to the PA, when an Israeli Arab is an outspoken supporter of Israel, he has a “mental disorder.” When a Jew is an ...
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations : “International law and the international ...
The central district [of the Gaza Strip] is drowning in goods and aid while the northern [Gaza Strip] is suffering from a ...
Israel is a state created by the capitalist, British, American, Anglo-Saxon, Francophone West, and others. They created it to ...
Everyone knows that the battle that the Palestinian people is a war of defense of the Arab brothers and all the ...