* For dates in July and August: 6 weeks for 2147 € - incl. 100 € discount Please note that the selected courses must be directly consecutive in order to qualify for a discount.
branches of the Goethe-Institut are active in 98 countries around the world.
There are more books available online than ever before. But are we reading more? Dominant social media platforms, often labeled as "weapons of mass distraction," are thought to have shifted our ...
“What happens in the staff room stays in the staff room,” says Carla Nowak in an interview with the school newspaper. Even if that is purely wishful thinking for the teacher at this point. This is her ...
05. September 2024, 11:00 - 13:00 EAT: B1 Exam format training "Sprechen" 29th August 2024, 14:00 - 16:00 EAT: B2 Exam format training "Schreiben" 05. September 2024, 14:00 - 16:00 EAT: B2 Exam format ...
is one of the most promising young writers on the African continent. Born in Mauritania, he lives in Dakar. After being a finalist for the Orange Prize for Books in Africa 2019, the Kourouma Prize ...
The Goethe-Institut Johannesburg is looking for a project coordinator, working in the Department of Culture & Development at the Johannesburg office from 1st of October 2024. The contract is part-time ...
Сдали экзамен в Гёте? Поздравьте своих друзей со сдачей экзамена и пошлите им классный стикер! А на случай несданного экзамена в коллекции ...
1. 안내 메일을 받은 후 2일 이내에 재발행 비용을 입금해 주십시오. 2. 증명서 재발행 후에는 환불이 불가합니다. 3. 2023년 6월까지 시행된 시험에 대해서만 통합합격증을 신청해 주십시오.
The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global reach. We promote knowledge of the German language abroad and foster international cultural cooperation.
Wir laden alle Konferenzteilnehmer*innen herzlich ein, aktiv an unserer kommenden Nationalkonferenz teilzunehmen und ihre innovativen Unterrichtskonzepte und -projekte beim “Marktplatz der Ideen” zu ...
Diesen Herbst bricht der Berliner Musiker LIE NING zu einer Tournee durch Europa auf, die ihn per Zug und Fähre von Amsterdam über Paris, Dublin und Manchester schließlich bis nach Brüssel bringt. Bei ...