Two lions, one missing a leg, made a 1.5-kilometre swim through crocodile-infested waters in Uganda, probably in order to ...
Working with a tiny cantilever, physicists managed to violate the second law of thermodynamics, using less energy than ...
The size of our pupils fluctuates as we breathe. They are at their smallest as we start to breathe in, increase steadily to ...
Secret international discussions have resulted in governments across the world imposing identical export controls on quantum computers, while refusing to disclose the scientific rationale behind ...
Hoverboards, or self-balancing scooters, are already used by hobbyists as a basis for robots, but now a group in Russia is ...
Researchers have discovered a hormone in mice that prevents bone loss during lactation and could one day be used to treat ...
Could the universe's missing matter be hiding in a "dark" extra dimension? We now have simple ways to test this outlandish ...
The magnificent tree frog (Litoria splendida) is normally a vibrant green, but conservationists in Australia have spotted a ...
Your body is home to trillions of beneficial viruses crucial for a healthy microbiome. We may one day be able to tweak this ...
In this episode of Dead Planets Society, our hosts place primordial black holes in a variety of objects with surprising ...
Feedback wonders if a little engineering knowhow might have come in handy in Glorit, New Zealand, where procedures were ...
The technologies introduced by the Romans after they conquered Britain led to the kind of economic growth seen in the ...