The extremely overscheduled and busy lives parents tend to lead has led many of us to feel lonely and isolated. One ...
Political violence has become the new normal in the U.S.; examples range from politically-motivated hate crimes to a failed ...
Imagine having major surgery at a reputable hospital. You are under general anesthesia. In the middle of the operation, your ...
Take the time to cultivate a cool head and a warm heart, and recognize where you fall short, as we all do, at least in ...
Would you like to win any argument gracefully? Learn how this one simple phrase can turn the tide in your favor.
Antipsychotic medications are prescribed for schizophrenia and other conditions. Despite their side effects, these treatments ...
You may have heard the term "shadow self" before. The idea of a shadow self has long roots in our history. As a child, I ...
Contrasting independence, codependence, and interdependence, and highlighting interdependence as the healthiest state.
If your children or students don't learn well, they may still be suffering from the lingering effect of post-pandemic mental ...
Co-authored by Srisindhu Medukonduru and Eunice Y. Yuen, M.D., Ph.D. Acne is a common, worldwide skin condition with a global ...
Self-care is often associated with painted nails and days off. These can play a role in self-care. Yet, sometimes, self-care ...
Given recent events in the United States, it is clear we can do better as a nation in promoting unity rather than stoking ...