Hamas, and only Hamas, is to blame Even PA Chairman Abbas' advisor criticizes Hamas for using Palestinians as human shields ...
Hamas October 7 language guide: “Take off your pants”; “Take off your clothes”; “Women here”; “Raise your hands and spread ...
Fatah Central Committee Secretary Jibril Rajoub: “The Palestinian prisoners should be released [in exchange] for the Israeli ...
The slogan “from the river to the sea – Palestine will be free,” which is currently popular around the world at anti-Israel ...
The PA is increasingly voicing accusations that Iran is not interested in the Palestinian people at all but only in promoting ...
Official PA TV reporter in Deir Al-Balah, Gaza: “The central district [of the Gaza Strip] is drowning in goods and aid while ...
Palestinian Media Watch exposed the Pay-for-Slay program in 2011, and the world has condemned it ever since, but PA Chairman ...
Nimr was happy like that, [because] he wants to die as a Martyr. For two months already he’s been saying: ‘Mom, I want to ...
Blood spilled in Gaza war is “fuel for our return to Acre, Jaffa, and Haifa” as “occupation is transient” -Fatah official Whoever thinks the current war is an isolated conflict in the Gaza Strip – ...