Previously, EFF gave awards to Microsoft staff and did all sorts of other Microsoft PR gestures. This isn't the EFF that was founded decades ago with involvement by Apple's co-founder. This is a bunch ...
Microsoft Moles in Nerdearla, Openwashing and Whitewashing Microsoft With Its Latest Ponzi Scheme and Storytelling. . Also ...
Firefox used to boast that it would make the Web more accessible. Today's Mozilla is rowing in the opposite direction. To ...
In Geminispace the usage of TLS 1.2 is rather rare. It'll probably be extinct in a year or two. Gemini is casually and even nonchalantly mocked for being "old-like" or "antique", but it's actually way ...
Journalism in Europe on Life Support. posted by Roy Schestowitz on Oct 04, 2024. THIS week we've done a lot of coverage - or ...
The GPL Does Not Prohibit Use of Code for Death. posted by Roy Schestowitz on Oct 04, 2024. THIS morning we wrote about ICBMs ...
The stand: The noble man who saved him from prosecution/persecution (united again): Both of them are also friends of RMS (sort of). This stuff should not have been in Twitter (X). So we're reproducing ...
* Charts show that since 2017 China has had Mach 25 weapons, whose kinetic energy alone (not explosion) is immense; those can ...
Firefox used to boast that it would make the Web more accessible. Today's Mozilla is rowing in the opposite direction. "The Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly has voted to confirm that Julian ...
XBox sales are down over 50% in the past year. That's according to Microsoft, so maybe the real (complete) numbers are even ...
GNU/Linux up to 10% in Philippines (counting ChromeOS too): There are more than 20 conflicts in the world right now. In ...
IBM and the Bomb - Part VI: Diplomacy Replaced With 'Trade' (Money Over Politics), or How Watson Jr. Was Sold to the Public, in the Same Way His Father (IBM Co-founder) Sold His Business Relationship ...