Brett is the Jay Kingham Senior Research Fellow in International Regulatory Affairs in Heritage’s Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom. The Pact for the Future is an unwise effort to bestow additional ...
Deloitte’s $2.4 Billion Contract to Build Submarines Shows How Badly Misaligned Defense Spending Has Become: Once again ...
Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine over two years ago, politicians advocating for more U.S. taxpayer assistance to Ukraine ...
America faces a dire threat in the form of the fentanyl crisis, one that is fundamentally different from long-standing U.S. illegal narcotics challenges due to its significant number of U.S ...
China’s multifaceted maritime actions follow a familiar trajectory of probing, cooption, coercion, and new status quo–setting behavior. China’s focus in the Pacific and its interests in the ...
The Heritage Foundation has launched a groundbreaking new tool and website,, designed to help Americans assess the impact of the record inflation on their household finances resulting ...
As if war in Ukraine, a pending conflict between Iran and Israel, and the Red Sea on fire were not enough, the Balkans—the powder keg of Europe—is now in meltdown. And the Russia- China-Iran ...
A saying oft repeated in discussions of French diplomacy stipulates that “a French president's mandate begins in Algiers and ends in Rabat.” This axiom has proven strikingly prescient. Consider the ...
FBI Director Wray told Congress he’d never in his career seen so many threats against the United States as he did then. There were "blinking lights everywhere," he said, a reference to a chapter in ...
WASHINGTON—Today, The Heritage Foundation unveiled a critical report exposing China’s role in fueling America’s fentanyl crisis. The report shifts the focus from Mexico to China’s ...
Online content moderation is currently at the forefront of free speech and censorship debates. Typically, government entities rely on administrative lawsuits and fines to ensure that social media ...
The list of corporations quitting the racial and sexual extortion rackets known as diversity, equity, and inclusion continues to grow. It now includes Ford Motor Company, Harley-Davidson, Lowe’s ...