Most folks would say it’s a new phenomenon, but Charlotte has been brewing as a film festival hub for decades.
After making an earlier cut this summer, is The City Different among the three latest finalists to host the international ...
Park City has hosted the Sundance Film Festival since 1981 (back when it was called the U.S. Film Festival), with a ...
Cincinnati is one of three finalists that could begin hosting the Sundance Film Festival, a prestigious film festival that ...
The Sundance Institute this week announced that they are now considering only three finalist cities to host the Sundance Film ...
In April, the Sundance Institute started exploring host cities outside of its longtime home. The three finalists were ...
Boulder, Colorado; Cincinnati; and the combined Salt Lake City and Park City, Utah, are the three sites in the final round of ...
The Sundance Institute announced today that three metro areas are in the running to be named the Sundance Festival home, ...
Sundance has selected Boulder, Colorado, a Salt Lake City/Park City Utah bid and Cincinatti, Ohio as finalists for the ...
The roster includes Boulder, Colorado; Cincinnati, Ohio; and Salt Lake City/Park City, Utah, with the latter marking a move ...
Boulder is one step away from becoming the new home for the internationally recognized Sundance Film Festival.
The Sundance Institute released the three cities who will be considered for the Sundance Film Festival starting in 2027.