Do you think the economy was better under Donald Trump? 11 people raised their hands.
A Christian university in Minnesota made some edits to its “ George Floyd Memorial Scholarship ,” which is only open to black ...
The piece, “Will Surviving Gunfire Be Donald Trump’s Next Appeal To Black Voters,” by scholar and self-described DEI expert Shaun Harper was posted Sunday morning and quickly called out by critics ...
For US President Joe Biden, it never rains; it pours. Surrounded by vicissitudes, trials and tribulations, he goes to bed knowing and feeling comforted by the fact that at least in the African ...
The group’s origins arose through conversations between Cape Girardeau residents Lloyd Williams and Robert Gentry about the dearth of businesses operated by African Americans in Cape Girardeau. They ...
The 132nd Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church ... close view of the candidate’s shortcomings as a student at ...
In a sample of African American college students at predominantly white ... Furthermore, greater levels of internalized racism (i.e., believing racist messages like Black Americans are “lazy” or ...
Harford County school board has erred badly in denying students access to African American studies on the flimsiest of pretexts.
The federal government already has the capacity, expertise, and experience to fulfill the promise of the Civil Rights Act to ...
New survey reveals Black adults in the US develop coping strategies to handle racism. Strategies include social support, religion, and activism.
In May, the Pew Research Center published results from January and April surveys on African American voters' opinions on the ...