你觉得最近几年来马的中国车企已经够多了吗?告诉你,还不够多!因为又有另一家中国车企即将进驻马来西亚市场,它是一家名为合创汽车(Hycan ...
如题所述,根据《东方日报》报道,科学、工艺及革新部(MOSTI)部长郑立慷指出,西马半岛将在明年初迎来首家氢能源汽车 ...
If there’s one car that defines Citroën’s long-lost spirit of innovation, it would have to be the SM. It’s perhaps not as iconic as the landmark DS, but for sheer ambition, this oddball ...
Hycan Z03 SUV. No shortage of Chinese carmakers entering our market, it seems, with another one on its way in. Hycan is the ...
比亚迪(BYD)旗下主打高端定位的新能源品牌腾势(Denza)近日推出了一款新产品,它是一款定位高性能的四门Coupe轿跑Denza Z9 GT,而且同时提供纯 ...
Proton早前在8月初就正式预告了会透过旗下新成立的子品牌eMAS(标志为e.MAS)推出品牌史上的首款纯电动车,也就是eMAS 7,大家都知道eMAS 7其实就是 ...
Action will be taken against state directors and branch heads of the road transport department (JPJ) if the department’s service counters are found to be closed to the public, JPJ director ...
For a lot of people, getting a new a car typically involves taking up a loan which “ties them up” for a few years without any ...
Hyundai has announced it has signed an agreement with General Motors to explore future collaboration across key strategic areas. Through a non-binding memorandum of understanding (MoU), both ...
JPJ has seized 21 luxury MPVs used as illegal ‘kereta sapu’ in special operations held in the Klang Valley from September 2-6. Director-general Datuk Aedy Fadly Ramli said such an operation ...
根据海外媒体报道,日本政府已亮绿灯,批准Toyota的固态电池生产计划。如无意外,Toyota的固态电池将在2026年开始投产,届时这家日本车企巨头将有 ...
国民品牌Perodua正式开通了网络订车平台,如今想要订购一辆全新的Perodua汽车,已不一定需要前往经销商的陈列室,也可以选择在家里透过手机或 ...