Harvest Moon also coincides with a partial lunar eclipse, providing a rare opportunity to witness an eclipse during a ...
New groundbreaking research shows fathers' unhealthy diets may raise their daughters' risk of cardiovascular disease.
Early puberty in girls may result from exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in products like perfumes and ...
Discover the supermassive black hole at the heart of IC 4709 and how telescopes like Hubble are unlocking its galactic ...
Valentine, intrigued by how early life evolved, wondered what metals were incorporated into enzymes during primitive times to ...
The first genetic evidence of feline coronavirus (FCoV) transmission between a captive wild and a domestic cat has been ...
Koch’s observations reveal that children who had more diverse social experiences can debunk stereotypes more readily later in ...
Some viruses, known as arboviruses, use insects to spread their infections to other hosts, such as humans and animals.
What we all know as "ice" can take up to 20 different forms. One type, superionic ice, only exists deep inside planets called ...
A common sleep medication could help reduce the buildup of harmful proteins in the brain linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
NASA's PREFIRE mission tracks polar heat emissions to improve climate predictions and uncover the mysteries of far-infrared ...
Earth’s evolution has been shaped by a series of severe environmental crises that occurred millions of years ago, profoundly ...