Worsening drought in parts of South America has resulted in record low water levels in a number of major waterways...Read ...
The APVMA has criticised the ABC for making “false or misleading claims” in relation to a link between Parkinson's disease ...
GrainGrowers has today released a report comparing the features of G-GAF and CFT and designed to improve carbon literacy ...
Commercial cultivation of GM wheat in Australia is moving closer now that Trigall has received approval for field trials of ...
ABS data shows Australia exported 310,686t of barley and 411,463t of sorghum in July, as signs emerge of Chinese interest in ...
InterGrain has added Splendid to its range of Australian Noodle Wheats available to WA growers for the upcoming season...Read ...
Olam today announced it is offering 75c per share for Namoi Cotton, 5c above its previous offer, and 8c above what LDC ...
PURE Grain's inaugural field day drew 300 visitors to Pallamallawa to inspect Australia's largest commercial trial farm and ...
PRICES for new-crop wheat and barley in the southern market have firmed on a continued lack of grower selling in what for ...