The decision to initiate a repurchase of QNB's own shares arose after careful consideration of several factors including ...
Increasing demand for fuel cell electric vehicles, rising need for detecting and monitoring hydrogen gas levels to help prevent potential damage to infrastructure, machinery, and electrical systems, ...
Purchase of shares for cancellation Hargreave Hale AIM VCT plc announces that on 11 September 2024 the Company purchased 367,436 ordinary shares at a price of 39.09 pence per share for ...
The State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Ningbo Electric Power Supply Company has helped Jiulong Lake Village's agritourism industry create all-electric homestays, where all equipment for cooking, ...
Social housing organisation AAB has chosen MT Højgaard Holding's business unit MT Højgaard Danmark as general contractor for a comprehensive refurbishment of its department at Stærevej in the North ...
Net Asset Values are calculated in accordance with published accounting policies and AIC guidelines. The fair value of the Company's fixed loan notes is calculated by reference to a benchmark gilt.
Manifestazione davanti alla Torre pendente ieri sera, 18 settembre, per alcuni volontari e volontarie del gruppo locale di ...
Oltre a metterci a nudo il cuore, Lady Melania ci mette a nudo pure il sedere (ma sempre con eleganza, s’intende). Ed eccola ...
PESCARA. Vaccinazione antinfluenzale, le dosi ci sono. L’Areacom, il braccio operativo della Regione Abruzzo in materia di ...
In Liguria parte la campagna vaccinale 2024 contro l’influenza. Il Ministero della Salute ha raccomandato attraverso una ...
Il testo pubblicato dal Dicastero per la Dottrina della Fede «sull’esperienza spirituale legata a Medjugorje» si definisce ...
Via libera dei 27 Paesi Ue alla lista dei commissari designati proposta da Ursula von der Leyen. Lo comunica la presidenza di ...