Ydych chi'n ystyried astudio trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg? Dyma gynllun ysgoloriaethau ar gyfer myfyrwyr sydd eisoes wedi dewis dod i Brifysgol Abertawe ac sydd yn dewis astudio trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg lle ...
It's not too late to start studying with us this September/October. See our clearing pages for more information. The part-time Humanities degree is unique in Wales, as the only degree aimed ...
Fel rhan o'n Strategaeth Cynaliadwyedd ac Argyfwng Hinsawdd, anogwn deithio llesol ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe. Mae cerdded neu feicio i'n campysau'n wych ar gyfer eich iechyd a'ch lles, ac ar gyfer yr ...
Diabetes has reached world wide epidemic proportions and is fast becoming the defining disease of the 21st century. It also represents a major challenge to health organizations in chronic disease ...
The aim of this module is to equip students with the necessary skills for work based learning, including self assessment, construction of a learning contract and compilation of a portfolio of evidence ...
The module aims to provide an educational programme to enable health care practitioners to practice competently as a member of the multidisciplinary team within the specialist field of caring for ...
The aim of this module is to enable practitioners to develop their teaching and facilitation skills in practice using a work based approach to learning.
This work-based learning module will be offered as both an optional module on MSc Enhanced Professional Practice Programme, and as a standalone module within the course catalogue. The module structure ...
The aim of this module is to enable students to review the evidence base for their practice and to examine the applicability of the evidence. There is an emphasis on the importance of understanding ...
This module adopts an active learning flipped classroom approach to enable students to undertake evidence based assessments of decision making capacity under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Students are ...
The College of Human and Health Sciences has worked with the theatre specialist trainers in order to develop and approve a competency based programme for qualified staff working in the operating ...